Snook On The Outside
Snook on the outside means the migration has begun. The big females are running the shorelines and beaches. Being a Marco Island Fishing Guide I see the change in the habits.
The females are just starting to begin their spawn. The smaller snook are the males and you will see them following the females in hope of mating. But please handle all with care. As the water warms oxygen level decrease and proper release is important. Let’s talk about release. On we release all snook. We take the time to revive them until they swim on their own. We handle with care with only a momentary quick snap shot. These snook on the outside are very vulnerable and need the chance to breed.
With the pressure of more anglers and poor management, it is imperative. Many believe these gulf side snook are in danger. I see this everyday myself after 30 plus years in the skinny water.
Most of our releases of snook on the outside are on soft plastics like Zman Jerk Shad. We have success also with topwater walking the dog method with Skitterwalks. But you must release these magnificent animals. We need to increase the stocks for continued reproduction cycles.
On the redfish front, we have seen good numbers of smaller stocks in the 16 to 20 inch range. But again let’s release this redfish. They are the future of the Ten Thousand Islands fishery. Saavy anglers understand the fishing pressure the redfish and snook are under. Again the fisheries management has been reactive not proactive so please be a good steward. We as guides must change the culture to more catch and release and education is the only way. Also by example.
I want to thank my clients for coming into this belief that catch and release with proper revival techniques with make our future stocks increase. The future of this industry relies on us. Here is a link to Zman products that we use on But do not for get the top water plugs.