Posted on by Captain John

Snook and redfish are waiting for your cast.

I just finished up the tuna season up in NJ and can’t wait to get my clients on the snook and redfish bite. Despite the media coverage of the redtide which has been a problem north of Naples the Ten Thousand Islands south of Marco Island are teaming with game fish. The top water action has been very productive in the early morning and the hour before dusk. My program promotes the use of artificial lures and clients love it. We are fishing before the bait guys get their live wells full. No wait, we are on the fish first cast.

For me in NJ the tuna bite was good and I am eager for my clients to those snook and redfish on topwaters like Rapala Skitterwalks and later in the morning on jerk baits. We will also fish all the structures from the mangrove banks to oyster bars and sand beaches. Sight casting a top water to a 30 inch snook is a visual experience you will never forget. There is plenty of other species also like big jacks and false albacore. These fish are built for speed and waste no time pumping 50 or 100 yards of the reel.

Fly fishing remains consistent. I like to do evening trips this time of year fishing the dock lights with bait fish patterns to entice a strike. It is important to fish the dark outer edge of the light. Those bigger gamefish lurk in that shadow and will pounce on unsuspecting baits as they swim by.

So now is the time  to get your trips on the books. Don’t wait until its too late. Get the prime tides and you will be rewarded. Once the weather cools its all about the tide on those points.

Give me a call  and Ill set you up on a great trip. Don’t forget to bring your son or daughter. Since a run a small skiff I am personally coaching your son, daughter or grandkid to give them an experience they won’t forget.


Capt. John



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